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Skinceuticals® Drive New Customers To Physical Stores with Programmatic Direct Mail®

SkinCeuticals®, acquired by L’Oreal in 2005, is an industry-leading skincare brand with products sold online and in partner studios. We visited the SkinCeuticals office last year and sat down with Ashley Kalen, Director of Marketing, and Daniela Pedulla, Assistant Marketing Manager. We wanted to learn how they incorporated Programmatic Direct Mail® into their marketing mix to identify high-value customers and drive new customers to physical stores. 

Watch the video below or read the transcript that follows to learn how they achieved and surpassed their goals.


Ashley Kalen: Hi, my name is Ashley Kalen, and I’m the Director of Marketing for SkinCeuticals.

Daniela Pedulla: I am Daniela Pedulla, and I’m the Assistant Marketing Manager for SkinCeuticals. SkinCeuticals is a medically-dispensed skincare brand owned by L’Oreal. Ashley and I work on the flagship team, which focuses on our top accounts across the country.

AK: SkinCeuticals has two different consumers. They have the digital online consumer and then the offline consumer that visits flagships or doctors across the country. 

AK: When we first launched PebblePost, we launched it on eCommerce, so we drove our eCommerce database to come back and purchase and receive a sample.

AK: And then we saw a huge opportunity to tap into our offline audience where we could track if they were browsing on and they [showed] interest. We can then send them an offer to go into our flagship location. So it was a great offline, online, full 360º strategy.

AK: The first test with PebblePost brought a lot of excitement. It was the first time we were able to deliver on the goals that we had told our flagship partners that we would bring new patients into the door. 

AK: So I think there was some shock, and then there is a lot of excitement with this program. So the PebblePost direct mail was the number one piece that our leadership team had brought into all of their meetings. They wanted to showcase this new initiative that we were doing, and they wanted to make sure that they expanded it to all different brands throughout L’Oreal.

AK: PebblePost is our dream come true. We’ve always been looking for a solution that satisfies both the brand and account sides and showed a return on investment. And we wanted to find a solution that targets the right audience. And I think PebblePost does it all.

Want to learn how to activate Programmatic Direct Mail as part of your customer acquisition strategy and drive new customers to physical stores? Reach out to us at

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